UX Design, UI Design, Prototype
Magoa is a gravestone cleaning service platform based in California.
Customer can order for cleaning and request to add decoration like flowers, flag, repaint, or others request. Customer can subscribe for cleaning or just once order.
Magoa want to revamp the cleaner dashboard to make more easy to use and more informative for user.
As grave cleaning services display a lot of information such as grave locations, grave data, and add-ons requested by customers, so displaying clear and informative data is a must to help the cleaner do their job.
Apart from improving the user journey, Magoa also wants to generate more sources of income.
Not just generate revenue from gravestone cleaning service fee, Magoa want to add another source of income. One of them is by shop.
Improve Cleaning Journey
For the cleaning journey, I split the flow into 4 step: waiting payment, new job, current job, and history. This help to manage cleaner’s workload more easy.
Improve Availability Settings
This helps cleaners manage their availability, because many cleaners make this work as a side job, so it is important for them to be able to settings their work days and times.
Add Gravestone Cleaning Tutorials
We provide gravestone cleaning tutorials for all materials type like marble, bronze, natural stone, etc. This is very helpful for cleaner if they new into this job.
Refresh Overall User Interface Looks
Make the user interface more fresh and modern, so the cleaner enjoy to use the platform.
Add Shop
Magoa accommodates the purchase of grave cleaning tools such as shovels, brushes and grave decorations such as flowers, flags. This helps add to the source of income for Magoa.
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